398th Bomb Group

The Albert M. Petska Crew
602nd Squadron

1 Pilot 2nd Lt. Albert M. Petska
2 Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Thomas Van Matre
3 Navigator 2nd Lt. Norman K. Lovingfoss
4 Togglier
S/Sgt. Raymond R. Mcgee
5 Engineer/Top Turret Gunner T/Sgt. George W. Forsyth
6 Radio Operator/Gunner Sgt. Thomas Spencer
7 Ball Turret Sgt. Homer D. Newman
8 Tail Gunner Sgt. James S. Froelich
9 Waist Gunner S/Sgt. Donald J. Shaw
11 Navigator Charles E. Fellows
12 Navigator 2nd Lt. John J. Krauss

  1. This crew list was provided by Lee Anne Bradley, 398th Group Historian for use with the Sgt. George W. Forsyth diary.
  2. Second Lt. Norman K. Lovingfoss was the original navigator but was Killed in Action on 10 Nov 1944.
  3. At times some crew members handled multiple position, sometimes on a single missions or on different missions.
  4. Although the same crewmembers largely flew together, occasionally there might be a substitute if someone was sick or injured, or there might be a replacement part way through a tour for a variety of reasons. Generally the co-pilot was bumped on the first mission for an experienced crew member; however, this probably was not so for the first crews.